Administrator Guide 2017
From Add Item in Template Maintenance select the Fixed text button shown here.

From Add Item in Template Maintenance select the Fixed text button shown here.

The Help item is used to display text on the device that can help the user enter the correct information.

Help text appearing on the device

Help text appearing on the device


Main screen for creating/amending a Help text item


Image Title

Image Title

Text to Display Enter the full text that needs to be shown.
Show on report and web site only Select this field if the text is only to be shown on the web site and report, and not on the device. This is useful for information which is relevant for a customer viewing the report but is not important for an end-user.


Options for formatting the fixed text


Image Title

Image Title

Additional display class

Display class changes the way that template items are displayed.  For more information look at the Display Classes how-to guide.

Item flag

Template item flags are used to apply display classes to template item in a consistent and efficient way.  They are set up in a system list called Template item flags and might be given names such as Danger so the text appears in red, Disclaimer for smaller text, Long answer to give extra space to the answer.  This means that changing the display class can be done in one place rather than on all template items.